Sports programming

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“Sport teaches you character, it teaches you to play by the rules, it teaches you to know what it feels like to win and lose – it teaches you about life.” – Billie Jean King

Sport is one of the ways we engage street connected young people while we transition them away from life on the streets. Team games such as football and cricket give the children the chance to learn important life lessons such as team work, discipline, communication and confidence.

Street sports

When children live on the streets, they have to work hard, and rarely get the chance to play and be a child. They especially love sports and we regularly run sports sessions for them to enjoy. These sports sessions are open to any child living on the streets to come and join. Its a chance to forget their troubles, have fun and learn valuable teamwork skills.

We also organise matches with other teams in the community to help to break down barriers and challenge negative stereotypes. When you play together you realise that children living on the streets are just like any other child.

A landscape shot of children playing cricket against green trees and blue skies.

Sport as a learning tool

At S.A.L.V.E. we use sports as part of our counselling sessions and lessons. We have strong engagement in both street connected boys and girls in playing a variety of sports including netball, football, cricket and volleyball.

We regularly run aerobics sessions at our Drop in Centres and also at our residential site to help teach the children about the importance of a healthy body and mind. Work-out sessions are a key component in our teachings with children who have been exposed to drug use as they rehabilitate both physically and mentally.

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