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Education is a huge part of the work we do at S.A.L.V.E. and it plays a crucial part in ensuring that no child has to call the streets home.

Having a good education can help to ensure that a child has a bright future to look forward to. Good jobs don’t come up very often in Uganda and when they do there is huge competition for them. Without a good education, children do not stand much of a chance of building a successful life for themselves and their families.

Sadly, a place in school is not a guarantee for children living in Uganda. Although legislation has been passed in the country so that universal education should be available, there are many hidden costs and there is so much demand for school places that many children miss out.

For those that do attend school, classrooms are often filled with over 100 children which makes it impossible for them to learn effectively.

Teachers are overworked, and the resources are simply not available for the children to receive the education they deserve.

S.A.L.V.E kids in their school uniform
Alice welding
S.A.L.V.E. schoolchildren

For those children who want a higher level of education, their families are forced to pay for private education.

Most families in Uganda cannot afford the price of school fees and requirements and so many children are sitting at home instead of being in school.

This can lead to them becoming demotivated and eventually them ending up on the streets to try to earn some money.

Learn more about the Ugandan education system here.

At S.A.L.V.E. we try to work with families to help them give their children a good education. We run catch up classes for children as they leave the streets at our S.A.L.V.E. centres. Then we work with the children we resettle home and their families to demonstrate the value of education and help them to choose a learning pathway that is right for them. If the family is unable to afford for the child to go to school then we enrol them in our Education Support programme.

Thank you

We would also like to give a big thank you to supporters who are already helping give the gift of education. So far we are supporting 128 children in school or vocational studies! 


If you kindly choose to support children in Uganda through S.A.L.V.E. you can help them gain access to the education they deserve and a chance to build a happy, secure future for them and their families.

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