Our Street Outreach team spends time with the young people on the street to identify how best to support them.
Occasionally children are resettled home directly from the streets to a family member. Mostly, children are referred for residential care at either our Halfway Homes or Drug Rehabilitation Centre, depending on their needs.
Here young people typically spend between 1-9 months with us while they heal from the traumas they experienced on the streets and we work with them to trace their family.

Halfway Homes
Our Halfway Homes provide a temporary, safe place to be for children who have been living on the streets of Uganda before they are reunited with their families. Whilst a child is staying at one of our Halfway Homes, they are provided with love, care, support, counselling, and education. All this helps to prepare them for returning to normal life at home with their families. Read more about our Halfway Homes here.
Drug Rehabilitation
Drugs are a huge problem for children who are living on the streets in Uganda, since they are often cheaper than food. Addiction is a big factor in children staying on the streets for even longer. S.A.L.V.E. International opened our innovative Drug Rehabilitation centre in 2017. This centre offers a safe place where children can overcome their addictions and start to rebuild their lives. Read more about our Drug Rehab here.