Can you help children in Uganda to go to school and create a brighter future full of opportunities for themselves?
At S.A.L.V.E., we want to make a long-term, sustainable commitment to children who have been living and working on the streets of Uganda to help them build a brighter future for themselves.
Education is the best chance children have at working their way out of poverty. It enables them to get better jobs, earn higher incomes and also be more informed about the world around them.

Being on the streets means the children we work with have missed out on education. So returning to school needs not only the money for school fees, but also career guidance and self-confidence boosting support to help them to succeed.
We are committed to giving children the opportunity to turn their life around and want to ensure that each child receives the support needed to adjust to their life off the street. We work on a case by case basis, spending time building relationships with the children before they join our Education Support programme.
Want to know why Ugandan families often can’t support their own children through education? Find out more about the Ugandan education system here.

What does it cost?
The cost of supporting a child through education starts at £20 per month for a child in primary day school. This increases to up to £50 a month for a child attending boarding school at a secondary level.
We welcome monthly donations from £20 a month upwards so that we can ensure your support covers the cost of at least one child’s journey in education. All money donated will be used to support the schooling of whichever children are in greatest need at the time.
What will I receive as an education supporter?
You will be added to our newsletter to receive regular updates about the difference your generous giving is making. Twice a year you will receive an emailed copy of a letter from a child who is in our programme that your donations support.
Through our Learning and Growing programme, we work with the families of children in our education programme to identify where their families might be empowered with a business or supported through permaculture training. Where possible, we aim to help the families become self-sufficient so that they can take over the responsibility of paying for their children’s school fees. This enables us to help more children achieve their dreams of going to school.