How to teach global issues in an ethical way
We recommend that you download and use this excellent guide about teaching sustainable development from Manchester Metropolitan University. It will help you to explore how you can challenge stereotypes and teach global issues in an ethical way that encourages critical thinking. This resource and its content are owned by Manchester Metropolitan University and they have kindly given us permission to share it here.
Download Manchester Metropolitan University’s sustainable development teaching guide
Raise Awareness
You can make a difference in so many ways. Although it may not seem like much, raising awareness of the global issues surrounding children living on the streets and working to change attitudes and beliefs are central to achieving these long-
term goals. Why not go big and contract your local MP? Or get in touch with your local newspaper. Get inspired by our Raise Awareness pack which tells you all you need to know.
Read our Raise Awareness pack
Books, Films and TV
‘Street Child’ by Berlie Doherty is a gripping adventure based on
the true story of the orphan who inspired Doctor Barnardo to set
up his famous children’s refuge. If you purchase this book on
Blackwells using this link we will be given 6% of the purchase price.
‘Dogodogo’ by Kasia Parham sees eight young Tanzanians
recount their experiences as children on the streets – how they
came to leave home, how they survived, and how they still love
their families – in a book illustrated by the boys themselves.

‘The First Grader’ which tells the true life story of an 84 year-old Kenyan villager who became the oldest man ever to enrol at a primary school in a quest for his education.
There are many great documentaries about children on the streets on YouTube made by charities such as the Street Child World Cup. Maybe you could hold your own football tournament in aid of children on the streets?
There are also feature length movies and documentaries available online such as ‘Children Underground’ or True Vision’s ‘Britain’s street kids’. However, it is worth noting that most of these involve themes better suited to older children.
Did you know that S.A.L.V.E. has its own newspaper and podcast?
News from the Streets is a newspaper written by the children every year for the International Day for Street Children. It is the only newspaper written by street connected children and gives them a voice to tell their own stories. It is available to read in both Luganda and English.
We also have a podcast called News from the Streets. This podcast helps to share the real stories and solutions to homelessness by the young people and their family members themselves.
Please note that some of the content in these podcasts could be distressing due to the topics being covered. Also the the young people and their family members have consented to share their stories with you but will do so using false names for their protection.
You can listen on Podbean or on Amazon music