Rubbish on the streets

Restoring Hope With Girls On The Streets

Abbo* is 14 years old and currently living with her grandmother and one sibling in a slum area of Jinja. This area is also used as a decomposing place for all the waste products in the city.

Abbo used to attend a local primary school and loved reading and making good friends. Unfortunately, she could not continue as her grandmother was unable to pay the school fees, so she had to drop out of primary school. This left her feeling demoralized and hopeless, so she decided to work out a way that she could survive. Abbo admired other friends at school who had dropped out but then returned. She was determined to make some money so she could also go back as she was passionate about her education. Therefore she began living on the streets, collecting plastic bottles, bags and scrap materials to sell so she could afford to pay for both her schooling and her basic needs.

Losing hope

However, as time went on, Abbo continued to live on the streets and lost hope of ever returning to school. Her grandmother could not afford to look after her and she had to look for more street jobs and sleep in rubbish pits.

Fortunately, S.A.L.V.E. International started a girl’s Drop in Centre. Its aim is to offer basic needs and key services to girls living and working on the streets through food, medical care, counselling and education. As a result, they become empowered through knowledge and have their hope in life restored. During one of their Street Outreaches, the team met Abbo. They discussed ways to support her to overcome her challenges, return home and ensure she receives the education she has always wanted.

A brighter future

Abbo was very receptive to S.A.L.V.E’s  help, as she was so excited to fulfil her dream of returning to school. She started attending the Drop in Centre for psychosocial support and her grandmother was invited for family counselling and parenting sessions.  Abbo was reintegrated back to her family home and she no longer lives on the streets.

Also, her grandmother was taught business skills through a programme at S.A.L.V.E, so she can make money to support the family and help to pay for schooling for Abbo and her other grandchildren she cares for. Abbo is now settled safely at home and waiting eagerly to join school in 2022.

We thank all the S.A.L.V.E. International supporters for their continued care for street children and their families.

*Names of children have been changed in line with our Child Protection Policy

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